Standing Tall: Lessons on Justice from the Zoo

Justice in the Jungle: A Lesson from the Zoo

My dear friends, I hope this post finds you well. Today, I want to share a story with you, a story that taught me a profound lesson about the Sense of Justice. This tale is not from a courtroom or a battlefield, but from a place you might not expect – a zoo.

The Day at the Zoo

Many years ago, when my grandchildren were just little tykes, we decided to spend a sunny afternoon at the local zoo. It was a day filled with the laughter of children, the chirping of birds, and the rustling of leaves. But amidst all the joy and excitement, there was a lesson waiting to be learned.

The Monkey’s Plight

As we were walking past the monkey enclosure, we noticed a small monkey being cornered by a group of larger ones. The little one had a piece of fruit, and the bigger monkeys wanted it. The small monkey was clearly terrified, but it held onto its fruit, refusing to give in to the bullying.

The Lesson Unveiled

Seeing this, my grandson asked me, “Granddad, why don’t the zookeepers do something? Isn’t it unfair?” His innocent question struck a chord in me. I realized that this was a perfect opportunity to teach him about justice.

I explained to him that in life, there will always be those who are stronger or more powerful, and they might try to take what is not rightfully theirs. But it is our duty to stand up against such injustice, just like the little monkey. We must hold onto what is ours and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.


My friends, the sense of justice is not something that we are born with. It is something that we learn and cultivate over time. It is about standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult. And it is about teaching our children to do the same.

So, the next time you see an injustice, big or small, remember the little monkey. Stand up, speak out, and make a difference. Because in the end, it is not the size of the monkey in the fight, but the size of the fight in the monkey that matters.

Until next time, stay strong and keep fighting the good fight.


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